Many exciting new forms of medical treatment have been proposed in the past few years. However, one of the most compelling has been in existence for many centuries. Medical Quigong is a practice that is just now beginning to receive attention in the Western world. The benefits it can bring deserve to be known to as many people as possible.
Where Does Medical Quigong Originate From?
Going to a Medical Quiqong Institute is the perfect place to learn about this technique. It has recently been defined by medical experts as a way of applying the underlying principles of Chinese medicine with the practice of Quigong. In short, it represents a fusion of the two techniques in a way that preserves the essential qualities of both. Quigong has been rumored to be the very oldest therapeutic modality of Chinese Medicine still in existence. As such, it represents the use of a completely holistic approach to healing. Its underlying aim is to address both the symptoms and the root cause of the disease.
What is the Goal of Medical Qigong?
The practice of medical Qigong involves several unique practices. These include breathing, meditation, and movement. Each is designed to optimize the vital energy within the body, mind, and spirit. In the Chinese language, these functions amount to a quality known as Qi. It is from this quality that the treatment gets its name. Medical Quigong represents an attempt to first balance and then improve the health and well-being of the practitioner. The methods it chooses to do so involve regulating the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture. Experienced practitioners of medical Quigong will be able to use their hands to emit Qi. This is how they can find the strength they need to help balance and regulate the Qi of their patients. The result is a higher level of health and well-being for all parties concerned.
How Long Does a Medical Quigong Session Last?
It is hard to give a definitive answer regarding precisely how long a session of medical Quigong may last. This is because the needs of the individual patient must always be kept in mind. The unique set of requirements that a patient’s treatment may entail will prevent the application of any kind of generic plan of therapy. As such, the duration of a medical Qigong session will vary. However, many medical experts have noted that the majority of recorded sessions do tend to follow a set pattern. This involves a series of 60-minute sessions that are conducted two to three times a week for 6 to 12 weeks.
What Are the Main Benefits of Medical Quigong?
It should be noted that this practice has been shown to entail several benefits that patients are likely to find attractive. For example, medical Quigong has been seen to procure a large quantity of chronic pain reduction for many patients. This has been particularly noticeable in the case of people who are suffering from cancer. Qigong has also been noted to help people reach a greatly improved level of basic fitness. It can help people stay active and in good shape.
In many cases, it does so by easing chronic symptoms such as pain. It has also been shown to help with reducing the level of stress that a person who is experiencing pain may be suffering from. Regular attendance at Quigong therapy has also been shown to have other beneficial effects on patients who suffer from certain conditions. In some cases, people who have been active students of this therapy have managed to regain control over their blood pressure.
At this time, the practice is still beginning to gain more mainstream acceptance. Many experts in the medical field anticipate that it may soon become more widely used in a variety of applications. This is a breakthrough that is expected to occur within the next few years. Patients searching for holistic pain relief are urged to look into it.