How to enable comments in your channels in Telegram and let users discuss posts and other types of publications. Here are the instructions.
How to enable comments in Telegram channels and groups
Telegram has long ceased to be an ordinary messenger and turned into a full-fledged social network, within which its groups and chats have formed. The platform continues to develop and improve. If back in 2019, comments in groups and channels of Telegram were impossible to connect without the help of special bots, then today it has become much easier to connect discussions to the channel. About how to work with comments in Telegram, we will tell you in today’s material.
A little Statistics
According to research, the active users of the application are half of the entire Runet audience. And the monthly growth of the audience of the application in 2024 amounted to about +800 million people, and the number of users is constantly growing.
Therefore, it is no less important to be present in Telegram than to develop a page in Instagram or Tik-Tok. The modern fragmentation of the Internet, which implies a large choice of social networks and applications, automatically implies that if the choice is only in favor of one messenger, one platform or social network, it inevitably limits the audience. In these conditions, it is highly desirable to form and regularly post different types of content for different platforms, taking into account the peculiarities of formats and audiences. This will allow to provide access to the published information to the maximum number of people.
For realization of the most qualitative SMM promotion in social networks, the service suits as well as possible. It will give you quick views, subscribers and likes on posts.
What makes a Group Different from a Channel: What to Choose
The maximum limit for groups is 200 thousand members, each of whom can post messages. If a channel is created, there is no limit on the number of participants, but only the administrator can post messages. Both the group and the channel have the function of connecting comments.
What Comments are for
Comments increase activity in the group by attracting participants and increasing engagement in the content – many users like not only to read posts, but also to take part in the discussion.
In addition, using this feature you can ask audience questions and get feedback, as well as run contests and giveaways to increase engagement and commitment to the channel from subscribers. Quality and inexpensive comment acquisition in TG can be done through the SMM platform Here you can also get likes, live followers and views on posts in social networks.
How to Connect Discussions to your Channel
By default, comments are disabled. To enable them you need to perform the following steps:
- Open the management menu in the created channel or group.
- Select the “Discussions” item and click on it.
- In the menu that opens, create a chat and give it a name.
If the group or channel is of closed type, then the chat with comments will also be available only for members. If the group or channel is of open type, the chat is available for all users.
We recommend making the same avatar for the chat as for the main channel and mentioning the name of the main channel in the name of the chat, so that users can quickly identify and understand its affiliation. Once the chat is created and linked to a group or channel, a “Comment” button will appear under each post, which will direct participants to the chat with comments.
Previously, group chats were not organized and messages were not assigned to individual posts – it was quite difficult to understand what was being discussed. But with the latest updates, the comments branch has become attached to specific posts. That’s why it became quite easy to understand and find the right comment thread.
The functionality of comment exchange repeats the functionality of regular dialogs. Smileys, animation, video and links are available for adding comments from group members. Participants of a conversation can reply to each other on specific messages – to do this, you should select the necessary message and press the “Reply” button.
You can disable comments by performing these actions in reverse order: go to the group management, open the “channel management” section in the menu, select the “discussion” item and then click on the “disconnect group” button. This can be done in cases when the chat room is under mass attack by spammers or if it takes too much time to moderate comments. You can connect and disconnect this option an unlimited number of times.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in connecting chats to groups or channels in Telegram – it is done literally in a few clicks. Moderating comments is a bit more complicated, especially in large groups. We’ll talk about how to manage comments in the next section.
To restrict the ability to write a message for a particular person, you should enter the group chat, open the menu, go to the list of participants, right-click on the necessary name and select “restrict user”. After that the selected participant will not be able to leave messages.
Manual mode of comment moderation and blocking can be used in channels and groups with a small number of participants. On pages with a lot of activity, it is better to use special bots that can be preconfigured to delete certain content:
- @Combot allows you to remove comments and links from non-members of the group, protecting participants from spam. You can also set up a ban on leaving comments for certain categories and customize other features.
- @AngryModerBot can be configured to automatically welcome new members and automatically ban them for swear words. It can be used to conduct polls and collect message statistics.
- @orgrobot also allows you to write welcome messages to new members of groups. However, unlike other bots, it is capable of pre-moderation, asking preliminary questions to everyone who wants to join – a good defense against spammers.
- @daysandbox_bo aims to remove links from all members who joined the chat less than a day ago.
- @grep_robot, in addition to the standard set of comment management functions, allows you to delete any messages that include pre-set stop words.
Most bots have advanced comment moderation settings, where you can set a limit on the maximum size of messages, limit the use of smileys and the addition of links. All these features may not be useful if we are talking about a small group of several hundred people, but on large pages you can’t do without them.
To connect the bot you need to create a channel, then go to the group management section and select the option “add administrator”, and then enter the name of the bot in the search box, and then confirm the choice. To configure the conditions of auto-moderation, it is necessary to go to personal messages to the bot and go through the registration procedure – this will open access to the functionality of a particular bot. In some cases it is necessary to perform these actions in reverse order.
Privacy and Data Security
By default, chats, channels and groups in the application are not protected by end-to-end encryption, and all transmitted information is stored on the application’s servers for advertising purposes. You cannot create a secure page or chat for comments here, and according to the current legislation, the responsibility for content in groups, channels and chats falls on their creators and owners. Take this into account when creating entries and participating in discussions.
With the right approach, comments in Telegram are a simple and accessible tool that allows you to increase subscribers’ loyalty to your channel, conduct contests and polls, and collect feedback. And recently, this feature has become available in the application by default and does not require additional bots and services. Connect and use this tool to take your interaction with your audience to the next level.